Spread Group Initiative
Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Fotorecord X Spreadshop

In this increasingly digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, there remains an undeniable allure to the tangible. Sometimes it’s important to have a physical connection.

Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop Fotorecord X Spreadshop

Located near Pittsburgh, PA, Fotorecord Print & Marketing Center is a privately-held commercial printing and direct mail company dedicated to providing outstanding products and services. Fotorecord Print & Marketing Center has a team of skilled professionals that boasts years of experience, possessing the expertise required to elevate finished products to new heights of excellence. They understand the importance of delivering results that exceed expectations.

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We have entrusted Fotorecord with the task of printing our letterhead, business cards, and various office materials, knowing that their commitment to sustainability aligns perfectly with our values at Spreadshop. We are proud to work with such a dedicated team.

Where it’s at

Greensburg, Pennsylvania
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Meet a Creator

Daniel Batal

Daniel Batal

Daniel Batal is a Content Creator, Brand Influencer and professional software & channel growth strategies consultant.

He is on a journey to put a comb through all of the intricacies of video editing and publishing to YouTube in order to help creators create new and exciting content and most importantly...connect with their target audiences. When he is not making content and coaching fellow creators, he is helping design tools for companies such as Tubebuddy including their Keyword Explorer, Click Magnet and SEO Studio. He has spoken directly to creators from the main stages at Vidsummit for the last 3 years and has been a guest speaker/instructor for the Social Media Examiner.

Creators Spread Change

Want to make money AND do good? With Spreadshop you can! We’re calling on all like-minded creators to join our tribe and help change the world one t-shirt at a time.

#Join the SpreadPositiveChange movement #Join the SpreadPositiveChange movement #Join the SpreadPositiveChange movement #Join the SpreadPositiveChange movement #Join the SpreadPositiveChange movement

The journey so far…

Our Journey with Living Ink
Leipzig, Germany

Our Journey with Living Ink

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Spearheading Next-Generation Fashion Expansion
Leipzig, Germany

Spearheading Next-Generation Fashion Expansion

Tech-enabled fashion company, Spread Group, has appointed Frederik Brakel as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) to drive the direct-to-consumer business to new heights. With extensive experience in the fashion…
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Empowering Through Acts of Kindness
Leipzig, Germany

Empowering Through Acts of Kindness

In our commitment to making a positive impact in our local community, we recently had the privilege of teaming up with the Barber Angels Brotherhood. This remarkable organisation…
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