Leipzig, Germany

Highlights from our Flea Market 2012

A Celebration of Community and Giving: Our First Flea Market was a Huge Success!

On April 25th, 2012, Spreadshirt hosted its first-ever flea market, and it was nothing short of amazing. Thanks to the generosity of our visitors and the hard work of our team, we were able to collect over €1000 in donations. These funds were then donated to a local school in Leipzig that is involved in an environmental project with the city’s environmental protection agency.

Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012 Highlights from our Flea Market 2012

But the success of the event wasn’t just measured in money. With more than 500 visitors, the flea market was a celebration of community and giving. People were able to browse and purchase clothes from over 30 vendors, while enjoying a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. And thanks to the generous donations of clothes from our visitors, we were able to make a significant impact on the lives of those in need through our partnership with the diakonia of Leipzig.

And the story doesn’t end there. Due to the overwhelming success of our first flea market, we decided to host another one on September 29th.

We were grateful for the support of all those who helped make this second event a huge success, from those who volunteered their time to those who sold clothes at the market.

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We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the spreaders who made these flea markets such a huge success. Your support and generosity have truly made a difference in the lives of others, and we can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish together in the future.

Where it’s at

Leipzig, Germany
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Meet a Creator

Millie Adrian

Millie Adrian

Millie Adrian is a full-time Online Educator and YouTuber with an audience of over 400,000+ people.

She grew her platforms using organic growth methods and has helped hundreds of students achieve their growth goals too! It’s her unshakeable belief that you deserve to pursue what brings you joy.

Creators Spread Change

Want to make money AND do good? With Spreadshop you can! We’re calling on all like-minded creators to join our tribe and help change the world one t-shirt at a time.

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