Community Initiative
Leipzig, Germany

Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia

At Spread Group, we’re not just talking about sustainability – we’re taking action. We’ve implemented an innovative donation program where weekly, brand new, unsold, or returned products are given to charities and families in need. Over the past 10 years, this program has resulted in 70 donations of 50 products each, ensuring thousands of hoodies, caps and accessories have found a new home. To receive a donation, all you need to do is get in touch with our returns service. We are walking the walk when it comes to corporate responsibility.

Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia Upcycling our way forward with Macromedia

We are constantly looking for innovative ways to make a positive impact on the world. We do this by implementing sustainable practices in all aspects of our business. We also have been repurposing undelivered or returned products to those in need.

Every week, our production sites give back to the community with a generous in-kind donation. In 2020, a total of 70 overflowing donations, each packed with up to 50 products, brought joy and comfort to those in need. From hoodies to caps and accessories, thousands of brand-new items have found a new home with charities and families over the years. In 2022, the Leipzig site made a particularly impactful contribution, with 68 boxes of returns given to those in need. In total, 2021 saw an impressive 59 in-kind donations from all sites.

Kristin Graf, who is responsible for the returns service at our headquarters in Leipzig, has been working hard to ensure that nothing goes to waste. “We don’t throw anything away!” says Graf. “We donate those never-worn goods to people who urgently need them. In the pre-Christmas period, we were able to make some associations and families very happy with our surprise packages. We also managed to take specific design requests into account, such as prints with dogs or horses for children.”

Before any donation is made, undeliverable returns are examined by a member of staff. Goods with personal imprints or company logos are sorted out and processed into insulation wool by a recycling company. If we are unable to use a product due to copyright issues (logos, brands etc) then we simply shred the product down into industrial textiles. Over the years, the returns-service team has established a large network with children’s hospices, families in need and homeless charities around the world. “We always receive thank-you letters from the donation recipients. It’s a nice feeling that gives us an extra boost to keep doing our work,” says Graf.

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We are constantly looking for new ways to make a difference in our local and global community. Our sustainable and innovative approach to returns management is just one of the ways we are working to make a positive impact on the world.

Where it’s at

Leipzig, Germany
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Meet a Creator

Millie Adrian

Millie Adrian

Millie Adrian is a full-time Online Educator and YouTuber with an audience of over 400,000+ people.

She grew her platforms using organic growth methods and has helped hundreds of students achieve their growth goals too! It’s her unshakeable belief that you deserve to pursue what brings you joy.

Creators Spread Change

Want to make money AND do good? With Spreadshop you can! We’re calling on all like-minded creators to join our tribe and help change the world one t-shirt at a time.

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